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Instant Impact | Business - Mental Wellness
Course Introduction
Course Introduction (2:15)
Mental Wellness Action Plan Tutorial (2:00)
Section 1 - From Stressed Out to Resilient
Extinguish Burnout (4:12)
Overcome Depression (2:58)
Calm Your Anxiety (3:49)
Identify Your Uneasiness (3:32)
Know Your Triggers and Keep Your Cool (3:26)
Dealing with PTSD (3:51)
Forgiving without Forgetting (3:02)
4 Steps to Unshakable Resiliency (3:08)
Section 2 – Mental Health and Healthy Communication
What is Mental Health? (2:56)
Who is Driving Your Car? (3:09)
Intentions or Behavior? You Be the Judge (3:16)
Share the Tension (3:00)
Healthy Communication Guidelines (3:12)
The Causes of Healthy (and Unhealthy) Communication (3:11)
Storytelling: The Healthiest Form of Communication (2:53)
Building Interpersonal Connections (3:10)
Section 3 – Embracing Your Uniqueness
Hurdles and Drivers (2:16)
Emotional Intelligence: Understanding Your Driver (3:03)
Intangible Driver Test
Picture Perspective: Using Both Halves of Your Brain (3:20)
Internal Processors: Thinkers Aren’t Shy (3:23)
External Processors: Talkers Aren’t Rude (2:37)
The 4 Roles of High-Performing Teams (2:59)
Efficient vs. Effective: Progress or Perfection? (2:23)
Urgent/Important: Tension, Release, and Flow (3:19)
Section 4 – Influencing Others
Understanding Your Fellow Drivers (3:32)
Unconscious Confrontation: Indirect Influence (3:43)
Storytelling for Behavior Change (2:29)
Effective Mediation (3:17)
Becoming a Mental Health Samurai (4:01)
Healthy Conflict Resolution (3:33)
Be a Leader, not a Boss (2:42)
Unlimited Happiness (3:20)
Course Conclusion
Course Conclusion (0:32)
Storytelling for Behavior Change
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